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Muswellbrook Clean Air Project

NSW Net Zero Emissions Dashboard

Published on Friday, 12 August 2022

The NSW Net Zero Emissions Dashboard is now available on SEED.

The dashboard provides detailed insights into NSW emissions trends from the past, now and into the future, and how NSW is tracking toward our Net Zero emission targets.

It presents information on the different sources of emissions in NSW and how they contribute to different greenhouse gases over time.

It also provides detailed emissions data for local government areas, which is the first comprehensive local-scale greenhouse gas emissions data published across NSW. You can explore emissions data in your local area to understand sources and trends of greenhouse gases.

The NSW Net Zero Emissions Dashboard will assist state government, local government and industry sectors to assess the impact of their emission reduction programs over time and target initiatives that will have the greatest contribution toward reducing local emissions.

Access the dashboard here.

Two videos are available to watch:

  • How to navigate the NSW Net Zero Emissions Dashboard

  • NSW Net Zero Emissions Dashboard – Report contents


[Header image: John Spencer/DPE]

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