Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
The BAM Sales Dashboard is for credits created under the Biodiversity Assessment Method. It is a searchable tool that allows users to view historical sales and market trends.
The BAM Sales Dashboard presents a market overview, latest prices for ecosystem credits and latest prices for species credits. It can be used to support:
- considering the feasibility of a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement
- business planning for developments
- costing or pricing biodiversity credits.
To find out which Offset Trading Group a Plant Community Type belongs to, you can use the Plant Community Type to Offset Trade Group lookup tool.
Attribution: © State Government of NSW and Department of Planning and Environment 20YY, Canizales-Perez, R. Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard. Version [Month 20YY]. Accessed from The Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data Portal.
Details of the version and published date can be found on the top right corner of each page.
Resources related to this dataset
SEED Dataset: BAM market sales dashboard
BOS Public Registers
User Guide
Example Scenarios and Uses
Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard video
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